It has somewhat become customary for me to start my blogs etc with Tom Waits. So, here is an old of post of mine regarding the man's genius.

It’s hard to describe this man’s genius. I’m either at loss for words or babbling like a fool when people ask me about the kind of music Tom Waits makes. We’re talking about someone who makes music whistling, howling, hitting pipes and old sofas. And by some divine intervention he creates haunting beats. I swear, he could make good music with nothing but a bag full of angry cats.

It was when I stumbled upon “Chocolate Jesus”; I saw him throw up a fistful of confetti and break into a bizarre dance, and I was hooked just like that. I thought “This guy is either a genius or mad as a hatter.”

He’s certainly an acquired taste -I’ll give you that, but one that you’ll never regret. I’m not afraid to say that I’ve got a huge man-crush on him. It would be a great day if Mr. Waits ever decides to come to Istanbul.

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